I am an associate-professor of emerging media at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, in Canada. I research usable security and information policy. Usable security is branch of human-computer interaction. Usable security is about making the devices and apps that you use convenient, responsive, and safe. Information policy is a branch of information and communication that explores policy, social, economic, and political phenomena such as cancel culture, and privacy in the information economy.
I defended my PhD from the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. My dissertation topic was on the security implications of third-party (tertiary) authentication through Facebook, Google, and Twitter. I obtained my master's thesis from the Centre for Strategic and Military Studies at the University of Calgary. My thesis was about Twitter and the 2009 Green Revolution in Iran.
Academic Appointment
January 2023 Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
Associate Professor in Emerging Media at the Department of Humanities (Arts, lettres, et du langage).
December 2018-December 2022 Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
Assistant Professor in Emerging Media at the Department of Humanities (Arts et Lettres).
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
iOT-Contact Tracing App - Answer the Survey.
Virtual Assistants and Visual Attention while Driving.
Graduate Supervision
Martin Lavertu,PhD Student
Doctorat en Archives, curation numérique et environnements sonores immersifs (PhD in Archives, digital curation and immersive sound environments), 2022.
Fratzel Descadres,
Un bain d’agent révélateur pour l’interface : L’art visuel comme moyen de révéler l’interface
Masters of fine arts (maîtrise en arts), 2019-2022.
University of Toronto, PhD in Information Studies, Faculty of Information (iSchool)
University of Calgary, Master in Strategic Studies
Concordia University, Certificate in Public Relations
ICARI Diploma in 2D / 3D Animation, Animation
McGill University, Bachelor of Arts, History & Political Sciences
Vanier College, Diploma in Social Sciences
2019 SSHRC Explore Grants
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada).
2012 - 2018 $80,000 (CAD), Doctoral Scholarships
University of Toronto.
2015 $500 (CAD), Travel Grant
Smart Cybersecurity Network (SERENE), Université de Montréal.
2014 $750 (CAD), Travel Grant
Strategic Studies and Security Consortium, Centre for Strategic and Military Studies, University of Calgary.
2011 $1,430 (CAD), Travel Grant
Centre for Strategic and Military Studies, University of Calgary.
2011 $750 (CAD), Travel Grant
Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary.
2010 - 2011 $2,000 (CAD), Alberta Graduate Student Scholarship
Government of Alberta.
2009 - 2010 $1,349 (CAD), Graduate Research Scholarship
University of Calgary.
2009 - 2010 $7,651 (CAD), Graduate Assistantship
University of Calgary.
2009 $1,500 (CAD), Travel Grant
Centre for Strategic and Military Studies, University of Calgary.
2008 - 2009 $4,480 (CAD), FGS Scholarship
University of Calgary.
2008 - 2009 $3,000 (CAD), Arthur J.E. Child Memorial
Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute.
2008 - 2009 $2,000 (CAD), Security and Defence Forum Scholarship
Canadian Government.
2008 - 2009 $1,400 (CAD), Centre for Military and Strategic Studies Scholarship
Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary.
2003 - 2004 $5,000 (CAD), Montréal Mayor’s Award for Youth Entrepreneurship
Montreal Mayor's Foundation for Youth Entrepreneurship.
2002 – 2003 $25,000 (CAD), Québec Multimédia Jeunesse
Culture Minister of the Province of Québec.
Selected Public Communication
Saint-Louis, Hervé, interview by William Thériault. Deux tiers des Québécois font confiance aux médias traditionnels. Montréal, Québec: La Presse, (3 juin 2022).
Saint-Louis, Hervé, interview by Catherine Doucet. Acquisition de Twitter par Elon Musk : des risques pour la liberté d’expression?. Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec: Place publique, (6 mai 2022).
Saint-Louis, Hervé, interviewed by Chelsea Bird and Daryl McIntyre. Elon Musk’s bid to take over Twitter recalls the robber barons of the 19th century. Edmonton, Alberta: 630 CHED Mornings, (May 5, 2022).
Saint-Louis, Hervé, interviewed by Louis-Philippe Ouimet. Le retour du film culte : « La Matrice : Résurrections ». Montréal, Québec: Téléjournal Montréal, (17 Decembre 2021).
Saint-Louis, Hervé, interviewed by Solveig Beaupuy. Des fraudes bien organisées. Saguenay, Québec: ATM Nouvelles, (25 March 2021).
Saint-Louis, Hervé, interviewed by Jérémie Camirand. Trolls sur le Web : entre débordements et démocratie . Saguenay, Québec: La Pige, (22 February 2021).Tenure-Track Shortlisted
March 2018 Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Shortlisted for a position for Assistant Professor in Human-Computer Interaction at the School of Industrial Design, College of Design.
Saint-Louis, Hervé. "Le crédit transactionnel : un modèle d’interaction et de marchandisation de l’authentification."Canadian Journal of Communication 48, n° 4 (2023): 771–786.
Saint-Louis, Hervé. "Comic Vine: Participatory and Idiosyncratic Documentation of a Semantic Platform." Social Media + Society 9, no. 3 (2023).
Saint-Louis, Hervé. "Understanding Cancel Culture: Normative and unequal sanctioning." First Monday 26, n° 7 (July 2021).
Saint-Louis, Hervé, and Rhonda McEwen. "Diagrammatic mental representation: a methodological bridge." Visual Studies 36, no. 1 (2021).
St-Louis, Hervé "Iranian Political Unrest in Cyberspace." 2010 Democracy & Society7 (2): 2-4. (accessed September 16, 2020).
Book Chapters
Saint-Louis, Hervé. 2024. "Vision and Scarlet Witch: Post-Human and Human-Machine Interaction." In Superheroes and Digital Perspectives: Super Data, edited by Sarah Young, & Freyja. McCreery, 51-63). Lanham: Lexiton Books.
Saint-Louis, Hervé. 2023. "Visual Research Methods in Human-Machine Communications." In The SAGE Handbook of Human-Machine Communication, edited by Rhonda McEwen, Andrea L. Guzman and Steve Jones, 212-219. London: SAGE Publications.
Saint-Louis, Hervé, et Bob-Antoine Jerry Ménélas. "Perceptions des utilisateurs à l’égard de l’application de traçage des contacts : Alerte Covid." Dans Applications et services mobiles : Des usages quotidiens aux enjeux de durabilité, édité par Jean Michel Ledjou et Hanitra Randrianasolo Rakotobe, 69-87. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2023.
Saint-Louis, Hervé. "Can Someone Review My Web Comic?: Strategies to Evaluate and Criticize Web Comics." in How to Analyze and Review Comics: A Handbook on Comics Criticism, edited by Forrest C. Helvie, 209-214. Edwardsville: Sequart Organization, 2021.
Saint-Louis, Hervé. "La Sécurité utilisable : Entre l’interaction humain-machine et la sécurité de l’information." Dans Médias sociaux : perspectives sur les défis liés à la cybersécurité, la gouvernementalité algorithmique et l’intelligence artificielle, édité par Schallum Pierre et Fehmi Jaafar, 23-44. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2021.
Conferences Proceedings
Saint-Louis, Hervé, and Bob-Antoine-Jerry Ménélas. 2021. "User Perceptions of Security and Privacy Risks with Contact Tracing Apps." Edited by Gavriel Salvendy and June Wei. HCI International 2021 - Late Breaking Papers: HCI Applications in Health, Transport, and Industry. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Washington, D.C.: Springer, Cham. 125-139. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90966-6_10.
Saint-Louis, Hervé. 2021. "Machine-Human Interaction: A paradigm shift?" Edited by Masaaki Kurosu. Human-Computer Interaction. Theory, Methods and Tools: Thematic Area, HCI 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 24–29, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. Washington D.C.: Springer. 123-136. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78462-1_9.
October 2023 – Colloque international en BD 2023
Presented "Le handicap et le savant en bande dessinée : frontière ou ouverture à l’autre ?" Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en études montréalaises (CRIEM), Montréal. Peer reviewed.
June 2023 – Research Digital Interculturality Co-operatively (ReDICo) 2023
Presented "Migration from Twitter: Black Mastodon’s Predicament". Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Jena. Peer reviewed.
May 2023 - ACFAS 2023: échanges franco-québécois - nouveaux enjeux liés aux usages des applications et services mobiles
Presented "Politique des plateformes sur Mastodon mobile" with Martin Lavertu (2023). Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal. Peer reviewed.
April 2022 - Table ronde : échanges franco-québécois - nouveaux enjeux liés aux usages des applications et services mobiles
Presented "Médias émergents et démocratie" (2022). Uiversité du Québec à Montréal, Montréal. Invited speaker.
July 2021 - HCI-International
Presented "Machine-Human Interaction: A paradigm shift?" (2021). Washington D.C.. Peer selection.
July 2021 - HCI-International
Presented "User Perceptions of Security and Privacy Risks with Contact Tracing Apps" (2021). Washington D.C.. Peer selection.
October 2020 - 2020 Serene-risc Workshop
Research Poster "Conspiracy Theories in Times of Pandemics: Risks and Disinformation" (2020). Montreal. Peer selection.
November 2019 - Annual Conference of the German Communication Association’s Division “Digital Communication”
Presented "The transactional token: A model of interaction and commodification of authentication" with Rhonda McEwen (2019). Berlin. Peer selection.
August 2018 - Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS)
Presented "User Perceptions of Security Risks in Multiple Authentications" (2018). Baltimore. Peer selection.
May 2018 - Human-Communication Pre-conference at the International Communication Association Conference
Presented "Diagrammatic Mental Representation: A Methodology for Understanding Human-Machine Communication" (2018). Prague. Peer selection.
May 2018 - Union for Democratic Communications
Presented " Cartoonist labour: The Political Economy of Web and Digital Comics" (2018). Chicago. Peer selection.
November 2016 - Design Educators Conference
Presented "I Can't Draw: Tacit and Formative Learning versus Explicit and Summative Education" Humber College (2016). Peer selection.
May 2016 - CHI 2016 Workshop on Mid-Air Haptics and Displays
Sketchnote artist. San Diego, USA.
July 2015 - Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS)
Presented "Ethnomethodology and Usable Security: The Value of Descriptive Research for Graduate Students" Carleton University (2015). Peer selection.
March 2014 - Formation in Formation
Presented "Who Watches the Watchmen?: Detecting Presented "Marshall McLuhan as a War Philosopher" University of Toronto (2014). Peer selection.
February 2014 - The Strategic Studies and Security Consortium (S3C) 2014
Presented "Presented "McLuhan War Philosopher?" - University of Calgary (2014). Invited speaker.
August 2011 - Private Thesis Presentation at Twitter Headquarter, San Francisco Headquarter (2011)
Comments about @Twitter presentation
July 2011 - The 12th International Pragmatics Conference
Presented "Strategic Studies and Cyberspace: Iranian Political Unrest on Twitter" - University of Manchester (2011)
February 2010 - The Strategic Studies and Security Consortium (S3C)
Presented "Iranian Political Unrest in Cyberspace: Contesting Presidential Elections on Twitter" - University of Calgary (2010)
December 2009 - Democrats, Dictators and Demonstrators: Sharing Strategies for Repression and Reform
Presented "Iranian Political Unrest in Cyberspace" -Georgetown University's Center for Democracy & Civil Society (2009)
Saint-Louis, Hervé User Perceptions of Security Risks in Multiple Authentications. University of Toronto (2018): https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/handle/1807/89824 (accessed July 19, 2018).
Keywords: authentication; commodification; confidentiality; human-computer interaction; privacy; usable securityThesis
Saint-Louis, Hervé Strategic studies and cyberspace: Iranian political unrest on Twitter. University of Calgary (2011): http://dx.doi.org/10.11575/PRISM/5070 (accessed February 11, 2022).
Saint-Louis, Hervé. 2015. "Ethnomethodology and Usable Security: The Value of Descriptive Research for Graduate Students." Workshop on Usable Security and Privacy Education. Carleton.
Saint-Louis, Hervé “Seamless and Always-on Security in a Bring-Your-Own-Application World - Paper Review” SERENE Digest (2016).
7CMM220 Théories et pratiques des médias émergents
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,
2019 (18), 2020 (20), 2021 (32), 2023 (18), 2024 (9) students.
7COM222 Pratiques de communication publique
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,
2019 (40), 2021 (35), 2022 (17), 2023 (18) students.
7CMM310 Dévoilement et socialisation dans les médias émergents
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,
2020 (14), 2021 (18), 2022 (42), 2023 (1) students.
7CMM210 Règlementation canadienne en matière de radiodiffusion et de télécommunications
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,
2020 (14), 2021 (10), 2022 (8) students.
7CMM120 Méthodologie et méthodes de recherche en communication
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2019
(20), 2024 (1) students.
7CMM230 Médias émergents et démocratie
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,
2021 (38), 2024 (10) students.
7CMM240 Écriture dans les médias émergents et présentation des projets
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,
2023 (30) students.
7CMM320 Activité de synthèse
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,
2021 (1) student.
7CMM235 Traitement de l'information en communication
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,
2022 (12) students.
7CMM110 Introduction à l'histoire des médias
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,
2024 (10) students.
4ESR858 Séminaire de lecture dirigée
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, (Graduate directed reading course)
2024 (1) students.
INF9083 Lecture dirigée en sciences et technologies de l'information
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, (Graduate directed reading course)
2022 (1) students.
8INF950 Sujets spéciaux
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, (Graduate directed reading course)
2023 (1) students.
7STA110 Stage en rédaction ou en communication
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, (internship supervision)
2022 (1) students.
7CMM330 Stage: production en milieu communautaire, de travail ou de recherche
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, (internship supervision)
2020 (6), 2021 (1) students.
7ART816 Lectures dirigées
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, fall 2020
Graduate directed reading class taught to one student on visual communication and interaction.
CMST 2LW3 Communication Policy & Law
McMaster University, Department of Communications and Multimedia, fall 2018,
100 students.
CCT380H5S LEC0101 Human-Computer Interaction and Communication
Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology (ICCIT) University of Toronto, winter 2018,
48 students.
Guest Lecturer
2022 Com 30000-008 Introduction to Communication Research MethodsWorkshops
2012-2017 Storyboard Workshop
Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.
25 students.
2012-2013 HTML5/CSS3
Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.
25 students.
2005-2006 Web Strategy and the Internet for Small Business
Teaching small business entrepreneurs how to develop their Web strategy. SAJE, Québec Government.
2004 Storyboard Workshop for Non-Illustrators
Two-day for multimedia professionals, Montreal World Film Festival.
Teaching Assistant
2017 INF2169H User-Centered Information Systems Development
Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.
Tutorials, marking. 65 graduate students
2017 INF2191H User Interface Design
Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.
Tutorials, marking. 65 students.
2016 KMDI1001 Human-Computer Interaction Methods
Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.
Tutorials, marking. 75 graduate students.
2015-2016 CCT383H5F The Interactive Society
ICCIT, University of Toronto.
Tutorials, marking. 55 students.
2017 CCT206 Law, Technology and Culture
ICCIT, University of Toronto.
75 students.
2013-2018 CCT110 The Rhetoric of Communication
ICCIT, University of Toronto.
Tutorials, marking. 45 students.
2012-2018 CCT109 Contemporary Communication Technologies
ICCIT, University of Toronto.
Tutorials, marking. 45 students.
2012 SCTM 2B06 Introduction to Computer Science: Logic and Coding
OCAD University.
Lab support, guest lecturer, marking. 100 students.